In this class we cover the different types of mills on the market. We do not have every mill, but we do have a variety of different types. We have a cereal mill, cheap $20 mill, mid range $70 mill and a $400 mill. There are pros and cons to each. The goal is not to tell anybody how much they must spend, just to discuss these pros and cons so that when you decide on the mill you will buy, you have an idea what benefits and limitations you will experience. We allow you time to walk up and crank each of the mills with wheat in it to experience the differences in the amount of effort required for each mill.

If you
must use your mill, you are under stress. The last thing you want under stress, is to involve yourself with more work than is needed. Learn the different fineness of flour that you can get from each of the mills and the different applications for each of them.

Consider cracked wheat cereal (fineness 1,2,3), cream of wheat (fineness 5,6) and flour (fineness 8,9,10). They are all produced by milling wheat ..... but they are not all used in the same ways. Each fineness has it's own uses, we explore those uses to help you and your mill work smarter instead of harder. We have a fineness display which allows you to touch the different flours and experience the levels of fineness for yourself.